With the changes in search engine results, if you want to compete, you’ll have to focus on high quality content rather than just getting any content up (and to back this statement up, here are Some Tips You Must Know and Consider Concerning Local SEM This Year). The higher the quality of your content and the more relevant it is to land in the SERPS, the more likely you’re going to appear in the top results for your users to easily see. So, don’t look at these changes negatively. They’re beneficial to you – the honest business owner. You need to understand what constitutes quality content and then seek ways to ensure that all the content on your website meets the criteria and expectations.
Content Should Be Well Developed & Researched — It’s not hard to research what you want to say before you say it. It’s crucial that the content is accurate, housing knowledge pertaining to the topic. If it’s not well developed, then it is inevitable that it will appear unprofessional and not get the results you want for the benefit of your business.
Well Written Content Is Imperative — You don’t need to have perfect grammar, and you don’t need to write college level material (unless your type of audience requires it) but you do have to use common language suitable to your target audience, and write to their level. You don’t want to talk down to people, and you don’t want to talk over them either. Online content writing requires a deep understanding of your niche as well as the audience you’re trying to reach.
A Mixture of Both Timely & Evergreen Topics Develops Authority — Timely topics as well as “evergreen” topics give life and relevancy to your website as well as generating traffic. Evergreen topics are technically great almost all the time, although if your topic is about technology, you may still need to update your so-called evergreen blog posts and articles once in a while. Your knowledge diversity helps a lot to show your authority on the topic.
Include A Wide Variety of Content Types Creates Interest — In addition to both timely and evergreen topics, you will need to include a large variety of content types. The types of content that you can include on your website (also off) are: blog posts, articles, white papers, reports, eBooks, tutorials and more. Also, exerting more effort in creating content rich with text, video, audio and infographics prove to increase the overall appeal of your material.
As search engine technology improves, hoping to serve up relevant results to users, if you follow these guidelines for high quality content you should end up with an excellent ranking in the SERPS for your niche.
As much as we appreciate you following through up to this point across our articles, we thought that it would be nice to share some actual tweets straight from the vineyards of Twitter – you know, because why not? We think that giving more helpful info is always better than less. So here are, Some Quick Tweets About SEO/SEM For This Year.