Generate Client Reviews
Client reviews are nothing to take lightly in this digital era. A few sour reviews can scare potential clients from contacting your law firm. We all know that it’s almost impossible to knock it out of the park with every client. A hold up in court, some unforeseen circumstance, a misfortunate series of events—these issues can lead to negative reviews. Whether the criticism is warranted or not, the reviews can affect your bottom line.

Digital Horsepower provides client review generation services designed to elicit client reviews—ideally, stellar reviews that help market your business. Our service helps law firms acquire positive reviews and promote 5-star reviews that can greatly impact your firm’s reputation and bottom line. If you haven’t invested in client review generation, we invite you to get to know our services and consult with us about how this service can enhance your marketing goals.
Can Your Law Firm Benefit From Generating Client Reviews?
Services that help you generate client reviews are certainly accompanied by automated systems and tools, but also our expertise in this area of digital marketing. We put our experience to work for you, helping to transform positive sentiment about your law firm into positive 5-star reviews. First, keep this in mind: more than 50% of consumers use online reviews to help them select products and services for hire. That’s essential information to remember. 5-star reviews help you to convince clients that you are a terrific choice for them. Other benefits of client review generation include:
Improved Rankings:
The existence of positive reviews doesn’t just impress your clients and potential clients. Search engines take note through their various algorithms. The fact is, positive reviews and positive ratings can help your firm achieve a higher ranking on the search engines. The higher you rank, the more traffic you can expect on your website. If you, as a local business operator, want to boost your rankings with a goal of achieving Google’s coveted Local 3-Pack, you should consult with us about how to boost your firm’s reviews.
Build Trust & Authority:
According to marketing experts, 9 out of 10 clients decide whether or not to trust a business after they read 10 reviews. Of course, the more positive reviews you have, the better for your brand.
Improved Click-Through Rates:
In a recent study, 56% of consumers will click into business websites that have online reviews. No online reviews? That’s likely to look ‘fishy’ to clients. We help you improve those click-through rates with our review generation services.

How We Help Generate Client Reviews
Digital Horsepower helps our clients boost their online reviews. We have a multi-faceted process that’s on-going and designed to integrate with your firm’s processes. We’ll consult with you about how to elicit client reviews and when. For instance, it’s important to ask the client for a review when they’re at a high point in your service process. It’s also important to make providing a review for your law firm easy.
First, we optimize your business website for reviews. Many of the reviews of your firm will appear on third-party sites like Yelp. These could be positive or negative. Clients voluntarily provide their reviews to these sites based on their experiences. You have some impact on what goes on there, but even more impact on review generation from your own website. When clients are already on your website, we try to make it easy for them to submit a review. We view this as optimizing your site for client review. We can provide a convenient review form, for example.
Our digital marketing specialists can also optimize your firm’s blog posts, emails, and social media profiles, making it easy for clients to submit reviews from those platforms as well. We can even set up some website badges to direct visitors to Facebook or Yelp to read reviews and leave reviews.
Create Incentives
Sometimes we encourage clients to provide incentives for reviews especially if their online presence is relatively new and they don’t have many reviews to point to. Most clients are busy and may not want to spare time to write a review. Make it worth their while. Provide free advice or possibly free items that promote your firm such as pens or notepads. Keep in mind, we can also target specific clients that you believe had a great experience with your law firm. Send them an email with your incentive and simply ask them to provide a review for your firm based on their experience.
Respond to Reviews
Review generation is an on-going process. It’s important to respond to reviews, especially the negative ones. Believe it or not, your responses are a form of marketing. If you offer a defensive response or get into an argument, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Prospective clients will be put off by the lack of professionalism that’s always associated with such displays. We can manage these responses for you. Responses that convey a sincere response and an attempt to remedy the situation can help your firm in the long run. Clients can be empathetic and understanding. If you provide professional responses to your negative reviews while generating mainly positive reviews overall, you’re likely to come out well in the mix.
Share Your Reviews To Social Media
Positive reviews can be effective marketing tools. We can even showcase testimonials and positive review quotes right on your home page. Highlight the positive reviews you receive on social media. Make a post about it. If a client provides you with a glowing review, tell the story of that transaction and provide a snippet of the review to let others know that you’re knocking it out of the park in terms of client satisfaction. Sharing 5-star reviews will allow you to market what you do and how other clients feel about it.
Get in touch with Digital Horsepowerto learn how our review generation services can benefit your law firm. We have proven experience helping our customers get more reviews to effectively market their business and achieve their growth goals.